Typography Plugin

In this lesson, we'll delve into the Typography plugin provided by Tailwind CSS, particularly beneficial for enhancing the presentation of prose content such as blogs and articles.
The Tailwind CSS Typography plugin (@tailwindcss/typography) offers a powerful set of utilities for styling prose content such as blog posts, articles, or any text-heavy content that you might pull from a CMS. It's particularly useful when you don't have direct control over the HTML markup, providing a way to apply consistent, visually appealing typography styles with minimal effort.

How to Install the Tailwind Typography Plugin

Step 1: Add the Plugin to Your Project: First, you need to install the plugin via npm. In your project directory, run the following command:
Code block
npm install @tailwindcss/typography
Step 2: Include the Plugin in Your Tailwind Config: After installing, you need to require the plugin in your tailwind.config.js file. This step activates the plugin's features and makes them available for use in your project.
Code block
// tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {

theme: {

// Extend Tailwind themes here if needed


plugins: [


// Other plugins here



How to Use the Classes

Once installed, the Typography plugin provides a 'prose' class that you can use to style blocks of HTML content. Here's how to use it:
Apply the prose class: Wrap your content with a container (like a div) and apply the 'prose' class to this container. The plugin will automatically style the text content inside.
Code block
<div class="prose">

<h1>Your Title Here</h1>


This is some sample text content that you might get from a CMS. It will be automatically styled with optimal typography settings.


<!-- More content here -->

The 'prose' class applies styles to a wide range of HTML elements to enhance the readability and aesthetic appeal of text-heavy content. When you apply the prose class to a container, the following HTML elements within that container are automatically styled:
  • Headings: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 - The plugin styles these heading tags with varying font sizes, weights, and margins to establish a clear hierarchy.
  • Paragraphs: p - Paragraph tags receive optimized line-height, margin, to improve text readability.
  • Anchors: a - Links are styled for distinction from regular text, typically through color and underline effects.
  • Lists: ul, ol, li: Both unordered (ul) and ordered (ol) lists, as well as list items (li), are styled for spacing and indentation.
  • Blockquotes: blockquote - Blockquotes receive styling that sets them apart from other text, such as indentation, italics, or a border.
  • Horizontal Rules: hr - Horizontal rule tags are styled to provide thematic breaks between content sections.
  • Images: img - Images within prose content are often resized and given margins to integrate smoothly with the text.
  • Tables: table, th, td, tr - Tables and their cells (th, td) and rows (tr) are styled for readability, with padding, borders, and sometimes alternating background colors.
  • Code Blocks: code, pre - Inline code elements (code) and preformatted text blocks (pre) receive distinct styling, such as a monospaced font and background color.
  • Figures and Figure Captions: figure, figcaption - These elements are styled to properly align images or illustrations and their accompanying captions within the text flow.
  • Inline Elements: strong, em, del - Inline text elements like strong (bold), em (italic), and del (strikethrough) are styled to stand out from regular text.
  • Definition Lists: dl, dt, dd - Definition lists, along with their terms (dt) and descriptions (dd), are styled for clear differentiation and readability.
The prose class effectively standardizes the appearance of these elements, ensuring that content is not only visually appealing but also maintains consistent typography across your site. This automatic styling is particularly beneficial for content generated from CMS platforms, markdown, or any other source where manual styling isn't feasible.

Typography sizes

The Tailwind CSS Typography plugin provides several utility classes to adjust the base font size of text within a prose block, catering to different content needs and design aesthetics. These classes not only affect the body font size but also automatically adjust related typographic elements (like headings, lists, etc.) to maintain harmonious proportions. Here's a breakdown of the different typography sizes available:
  • prose-sm: Sets the body font size to 0.875rem (14px).
  • prose-base: The default setting, which sets the body font size to 1rem (16px).
  • prose-lg: Increases the body font size to 1.125rem (18px).
  • prose-xl: Sets the body font size to 1.25rem (20px).
  • prose-2xl: Boosts the body font size to 1.5rem (24px).

Example Usage on Large Devices

Suppose you want to enhance readability on large devices by using a larger typography size for your blog articles. You might choose 'prose' for mobile to standard devices but switch to 'prose-lg' for larger screens to improve the reading experience with more substantial text. Here's how you could implement this using Tailwind's responsive utilities:
Code block
<article className="prose lg:prose-lg mx-auto">

<h1>Welcome to Our Blog</h1>


Discover the latest news, tips, and insights from our experts. Dive into our articles to explore a world of innovation, creativity, and learning.


<!-- Additional content here -->



The Tailwind CSS Typography plugin introduces a powerful feature through modifiers that allow for targeted styling of specific elements within a prose block. This capability is especially useful for applying additional utility classes directly to individual elements, enabling a fine-grained control over the typography and layout of rich text content.
For example:
To apply a Tailwind utility class to all paragraphs within a prose block to change the text color to gray-600, you would use:
Code block
<div class="prose prose-p:text-gray-600">

<!-- Content here will have paragraphs with gray-600 color text -->

The following are all the modifiers available in the typography plugin:
  • prose-headings:{utility}: Targets all heading elements (h1, h2, h3, h4, th) within a prose block. Use this modifier to uniformly style all headings, such as changing their color or font weight.
  • prose-lead:{utility}: Applies styles to elements with a class attribute containing "lead". This can be useful for styling introductory paragraphs to stand out.
  • prose-h1:{utility} to prose-h4:{utility}: These target specific heading levels (h1 through h4), allowing for distinct styling of each heading type, such as different font sizes or margins.
  • prose-p:{utility}: Targets paragraph (p) elements, enabling adjustments to line-height, text color, or padding.
  • prose-a:{utility}: Applies styles to anchor (a) elements, useful for customizing link colors, hover effects, or text decoration.
  • prose-blockquote:{utility}: Targets blockquote elements, which can be styled to differentiate quoted text, such as altering the text color, adding a border, or changing the font style.
  • prose-figure:{utility} and prose-figcaption:{utility}: These modifiers allow for styling figure elements and their captions (figcaption), useful for aligning images or illustrations and their descriptions.
  • prose-strong:{utility}, prose-em:{utility}, prose-code:{utility}: Target bold (strong), italic (em), and inline code (code) text for emphasizing certain parts of the content.
  • prose-pre:{utility}: Applies styles to preformatted text (pre), such as setting a background color or padding for code blocks.
  • prose-ol:{utility}, prose-ul:{utility}, prose-li:{utility}: These target ordered (ol) and unordered (ul) lists, and their list items (li), allowing for customized list styles and spacing.
  • prose-table:{utility}, prose-thead:{utility}, prose-tr:{utility}, prose-th:{utility}, prose-td:{utility}: Enable fine-tuning of table layouts, including the table headers (thead), rows (tr), header cells (th), and data cells (td).
  • prose-img:{utility} and prose-video:{utility}: Apply styles to images (img) and videos (video), such as setting widths, margins, or borders.
  • prose-hr:{utility}: Targets horizontal rule (hr) elements, useful for setting the margin, border style, or color.

Example 1: Customizing Headings Color and Margin

Change the color of all headings to a custom blue and adjust the bottom margin for better spacing.
Code block
<div class="prose prose-headings:text-blue-500 prose-headings:mb-4">

<h1>Heading Level 1</h1>

<h2>Heading Level 2</h2>

<!-- More content here -->


Example 2: Styling Links Within Articles

Make all links (<a> tags) within the article underlined and change their color on hover to indicate interactivity.
Code block
<div class="prose prose-a:underline prose-a:hover:text-red-500">

<p>Check out this <a href="#">amazing link</a> for more information.</p>

<!-- More content here -->
