Pseudo Elements

In this tutorial, we'll explore the realm of CSS pseudo-elements, essential tools for web designers and developers. These pseudo-elements enable the addition of content to a webpage without the need to modify the HTML structure. Commonly utilized for ornamental purposes like incorporating icons, molding element shapes, or generating visual effects, the functionality of pseudo-elements goes far beyond mere aesthetic enhancement.
In this lesson, we're going to delve into the world of CSS pseudo-elements. These pseudo-elements are incredibly powerful tools for web designers and developers, allowing you to insert content into a page without altering the HTML. They are often used for decorative purposes, such as adding icons, shaping elements, or creating visual effects, but their use extends beyond just decoration.
Let's explore each of these pseudo-elements in the context of Tailwind CSS:
  • before (&::before): Creates a pseudo-element before the content of the selected element. Commonly used for decorative content or to insert content via CSS
  • after (&::after): Description: Similar to ::before, but this creates a pseudo-element after the content of the selected element.
  • first-letter (&::first-letter): Targets the first letter of a block of text. It's often used for drop caps or styling the first character differently.
  • first-line (&::first-line): Description: Applies styles to the first line of text in a block-level element, useful for setting the tone or style of the first line differently.
  • marker (&::marker): Styles the markers of list items, like bullets in unordered lists or numbers in ordered lists.
  • selection (&::selection): Allows styling of the portion of a document that has been highlighted by the user.
  • file (&::file-selector-button): Targets the browser's default button of a file input element, allowing customization beyond the standard browser styles.
  • backdrop (&::backdrop): Used to style the backdrop of elements in full-screen mode, such as modals or videos.
  • placeholder (&::placeholder): Styles the placeholder text of input fields and textareas.
In this lesson, we will explore the accessibility modifiers that play a crucial role in making web content more user-friendly and inclusive. We'll delve into how to use ARIA attributes like aria-checked, aria-disabled, and aria-expanded in conjunction with Tailwind CSS to enhance the accessibility of web elements.